Votes and Proceedings - Plenary

Meeting Venue:

Y Siambr - Y Senedd

Meeting date:
Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Meeting time: 13.30
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:




This meeting was held in a hybrid format, with some Members in the Senedd Chamber and others joining by video-conference.



Presiding Officer Statement

At 13.30, the Presiding Officer announced, in accordance with Standing Order 26.75, that the Historic Environment (Wales) Bill 2023was given Royal Assent on 14 June 2023.



1       Questions to the Minister for Finance and Local Government

The item started at 13.30

The first 9 questions were asked. The Presiding Officer invited party spokespeople to ask questions to the Minister after question 2.



2       Questions to the Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd

The item started at 14.16

Questions 1-10 and 12 were asked. Question 11 was not asked. The Presiding Officer invited party spokespeople to ask questions to the Minister after question 2.



3       Topical Questions

The item started at 14.59

Answered by the Minister for Economy

Jayne Bryant(Newport West): Will the Minister make a statement in response to the announcement that Tuffnells parcel firm has gone into administration?

Luke Fletcher (South Wales West): What is the Welsh Government doing to improve economic outcomes in Wales, following the publication of the June ONS statistics which show a pattern of decline in Welsh employment rates and economic activity?

At 15.17, Darren Millar raised a Point of Order in relation to accusations that the Minister for Health and Social Services may have inadvertently misled the Senedd during her contribution to a debate on accounting practices at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board on 7 June. The Presiding Officer invited the Minister to respond to the points raised. The Minister responded and sought to clarify her previous remarks.



4       90 Second Statements

The item started at 15.20

Jack Sargeant made a statement on - A Grand Week in Wales (19-25 June). An event to help key charities that support the most vulnerable in our communities across Wales and to bring people together through fundraising events, to combat isolation and spread positivity in a time when we need it most.

Siân Gwenllian made a statement on - Princess Gwenllian and Gŵyl Gwenllian (10 June), a weekend of events to celebrate the women of the Carneddau.

James Evans made a statement on - Men’s Health Week (12-18 June). This year's focus is on opening up conversations about health, finding out what support is available locally and reducing the poor health statistics for men in general.



5       Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv) - Warm this Winter campaign

The item started at 15.24

NDM8275 Hefin David (Caerphilly)

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes that Wales and the rest of the United Kingdom are in the grips of multiple crises, namely the cost-of-living crisis, energy crisis, and the climate and nature emergencies, and that the Warm this Winter campaign recognises that these crises are connected and intertwined, and that they have shared causes and shared solutions.

2. Notes that the Warm this Winter campaign in Wales is calling for emergency support for the most vulnerable.

3. Notes that the Welsh Government has put investment in place to support vulnerable households last winter, that they have announced a new public energy company for Wales, and additional energy efficiency schemes for our homes, but that more needs to be done.

4. Calls on the Welsh Government to work to implement solutions for a genuine pathway out of the cost-of-living crisis, by recognising that there are key steps to addressing energy security and the climate crisis – like a rapid scale up of energy efficiency and rolling out community energy all over Wales.

5. Calls on the Welsh Government to raise concerns with the UK Government on the cost of energy, and the need to ensure that there are UK support schemes in place to ensure that people are warm this winter, and every winter to come.


Jane Dodds (Mid and West Wales)

Jack Sargeant (Alyn and Deeside)


Alun Davies (Blaenau Gwent)

Carolyn Thomas (North Wales)

Delyth Jewell (South Wales East)

Heledd Fychan (South Wales Central)

Huw Irranca-Davies (Ogmore)

Jenny Rathbone (Cardiff Central)

John Griffiths (Newport East)

Joyce Watson (Mid and West Wales)

Mike Hedges (Swansea East)

Rhianon Passmore (Islwyn)

Rhys ab Owen (South Wales Central)

Sioned Williams (South Wales West)

Vikki Howells (Cynon Valley)

The motion was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.



6       Debate on Children, Young People and Education Committee report – Mental Health support in Higher Education

The item started at 16.34

NDM8292 Jayne Bryant (Newport West)

To propose that the Senedd:

Notes the report of the Children, Young People and Education Committee ‘Mental Health support in Higher Education’ which was laid in the Table Office on 29 March 2023.

Note: The response of the Welsh Government to the report was laid in the Table Office on 7 June 2023.

The motion was agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.



7       Welsh Conservatives Debate - Additional learning needs

The item started at 17.28

Voting on the motion and amendments under this item was deferred until Voting Time.

A vote was taken on the motion without amendment:

NDM8294 Darren Millar (Clwyd West)

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes that:

a) the number of children and young people receiving additional learning (ALN) needs support has decreased since the introduction of additional learning needs reforms last year;

b) delays and challenges in the rollout of ALN reforms are causing a postcode lottery in access to ALN support for learners across Wales; and

c) research by the National Association of Head Teachers Cymru found that 94 per cent of school leaders reported that funding to cover all aspects of the new ALN legislation is not sufficient.

2. Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) undertake an urgent review of the implementation of ALN reforms;

b) take urgent action to ensure that children with ALN are identified and provided with access to support sooner; and

c) provide additional financial support directly to Welsh schools to ensure that learners with ALN are able to access the support they need. 

'A Failure to Invest: The state of Welsh school funding' - NAHT Cymru









The motion without amendment was not agreed.

The following amendments were tabled:

Amendment 1 Lesley Griffiths (Wrexham)

Delete point 1 and replace with:

Notes that:

Estyn finds that ALN implementation is making steady progress and changes are generally welcomed.

research finds that the Curriculum for Wales and ALN code are promoting a focus on equity and inclusivity for all learners.

the ALN implementation period has been extended to ensure that families receive the best support possible, and implementation funding increased to help plan for meeting individual learner need.

Additional learning needs reform - Estyn

Research with schools on the early implementation of Curriculum for Wales: Wave 1 report

A vote was taken on amendment 1:









Amendment 1 was agreed.

As amendment 1 was agreed, amendment 2 was de-selected.

Amendment 3 Sian Gwenllian (Arfon)

Insert as new sub-point at end of point 2:

take immediate action to alleviate concerns from Welsh-medium providers regarding the availability of Welsh language resources to support ALN work, and ensure all resources are published bilingually

A vote was taken on amendment 3:









Amendment 3 was agreed.

A vote was taken on the motion as amended:

NDM8294 Darren Millar (Clwyd West)

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes that:

a) Estyn finds that ALN implementation is making steady progress and changes are generally welcomed.

b) research finds that the Curriculum for Wales and ALN code are promoting a focus on equity and inclusivity for all learners.

c) the ALN implementation period has been extended to ensure that families receive the best support possible, and implementation funding increased to help plan for meeting individual learner need.

Additional learning needs reform - Estyn

Research with schools on the early implementation of Curriculum for Wales: Wave 1 report

2. Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) undertake an urgent review of the implementation of ALN reforms;

b) take urgent action to ensure that children with ALN are identified and provided with access to support sooner; and

c) provide additional financial support directly to Welsh schools to ensure that learners with ALN are able to access the support they need. 

'A Failure to Invest: The state of Welsh school funding' - NAHT Cymru

d) take immediate action to alleviate concerns from Welsh-medium providers regarding the availability of Welsh language resources to support ALN work, and ensure all resources are published bilingually









The motion as amended was agreed.



8       Voting Time

The item started at 18.25





9       Short Debate

The item started at 18.29

NDM8289 Delyth Jewell (South Wales East)

Cancer inequalities in Wales



The meeting concluded at 18.56

The Senedd will sit again in Plenary at 13.30, Tuesday, 20 June 2023